Monday, 29 October 2012

Mastering the Basics: Suspender belt

Two weeks without any making.. was a long stretch. So, luckily today was Suspender day!
It was the day we were introduced to the LN20 taping machine, suspender straps, elastics and the 'dreaded' 3 point zig-zag. After spending (too much) time with my dear un-picker the garment was complete!

Making Suspender Clips..

The Final Garment Photographs

Then upon completion.. the next task was to design our own suspender. I used the stand to draft the pattern, then I was homeward bound for a well deserved tea and biscuit break! 

In terms of the new and improved suspender, we'll call it suspended (couldn't help myself!) and save that for another day.

Monday, 22 October 2012

Pattern Drafting: Medium Support Bra

What started with a simple outline of a MS20 bra wire (technical talk) turned into a functional pattern. The guidelines seemed like a treasure trail (E.g At a right angle to this line draw another 90mm long).

We then made a copy, cut it out and construct with tape...
Constructed Paper copy 

To add further excitement to the class we had a competition..Who could do the best re-design? Despite not winning (tough crowd!) It was an interesting task and without a doubt a well spent Monday.

Although now comes typing up the instructions.. including diagrams such as these beasts...
Pattern drafting diagrams

Monday, 15 October 2012

Mastering the Basics: Bustier

The first garment of the course...
Despite the lace not being the most attractive in all the world, learning how to make this certainly was exciting. It provided a good opportunity to get acquainted with new machines (my favorite being the bone casing). Being such a basic pattern it'd be easy to adjust and alter into something more elaborate.. if only I had more hours in a day! As this is the first garment of course I went wild on taking lots of similar images!

Bustier Front View

Side Angle


Back View

Photographs of my lovely in house model